Support the Ministry
Why Give to Christian Edition?

A young lady spent the night dancing and drinking at the local club. Despite pretending to be happy in front of her friends, on the drive home she decided that she no longer had a reason to live and would overdose on sleeping pills.
As she quietly walked through the living room, she noticed her father sitting deep in a chair, his eyes closed. He was listening to Christian music. Knowing that it would be the last time she’d see her father, she decided to sit and watch him for a few moments. While looking upon her dad, she started listening to the music. Before she realized it, tears were pouring down her cheeks.
She listened to the entire album. When it finished, she crossed to her father and kissed the top of his head. He woke up and, noticing her tears, asked what was wrong. She told him what she’d planned to do that night, but that the music had convinced her to choose life. She asked him, “Who’s the artist?” He replied, “Christian Edition.”
Since that night, she has become a new person. She regularly attends church and has found in God countless reasons to live an abundant life.

Wings of Faith
Wings of Faith is a special giving ministry for those who want to support Christian Edition on an ongoing basis. By giving $10 a month or more for a year, you will ensure that the music ministry of Christian Edition will reach as many people as possible. In addition, we will send you a special pin in appreciation for your thoughtful generosity. To join Wings of Faith, click "Donate" and then choose the monthly option on the form.
We hear stories like this every year. They humble us and inspire us to keep singing and sharing God’s infinite love with everyone we meet.
Even though it was the Holy Spirit and our music that touched that young lady’s heart, much of the credit goes to the thoughtful and generous people like you who make this ministry possible. Without your support through the years, our music would never have been recorded or distributed.
Our commitment to never charge for worship services forces us to live by faith. Often finances are very tight—despite the fact that none of us are paid a penny—and we don’t know how we will be able to cover expenses. Yet God always answers our prayers through thoughtful gifts from people like you. On multiple occasions, a check has arrived in the mail for nearly the exact amount of our upcoming expenses, allowing us to go to where we are called to sing about His love.
Your support carries our music and message of hope around the world. For example, in 2013 we uploaded videos of us singing onto YouTube. Since then, people in 194 countries have watched our YouTube videos more than 322,000 times, totaling around 14,600 hours of viewing. That’s the equivalent of us singing five concerts per day every day over the past four years. What’s more, your generosity allows us to continue providing three to four worship services per month, free of charge.
I ask that you consider giving a gift today so that the ministry of Christian Edition can continue to thrive. While any support will help, an automatic, monthly gift of $10 or more makes the greatest difference and makes you a member of our Wings of Faith supporters. For joining this special group, we’ll send you a Christian Edition pin to show our appreciation for your invaluable generosity.
Thank you for your support and for your prayers. We couldn’t do any of this without you.
Very truly yours,
Michael Spencer